The Hero's Journey

The Hero’s Journey Scavenger Hunt


The keys to success for step 9 “Resilience, Adaptability and Enrich” can be found on the sculptures inside the reflecting pools on the Peninsula College campus. This is where students are rewarded with Diplomas on Graduation Day.


The contest lasts for moments
Though the training’s taken years,
It wasn’t the winning alone that
Was worth the work and the tears
The applause will be forgotten
The prize will be misplaced
But the long hard hours of practice
Will never be a waste
For in trying to win
You build a skill You learn that winning
Depends on will
You never grow by how much you win
You only grow by how much you put in
So any new challenge
You’ve just begun
Put forth your best
And you’ve already won.

Bill Clennan, Canadian Motivational Speaker

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